road to skinny....

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sleep Study...

Hello everyone..... Today has been a good day but for some reason i am so tired. It didn't hit me until after i was done with work.. which i suppose is good. lol. I guess its ok though because i have to go do a sleep study at the hospital tonight i hope i can stay awake til then!Oh fun fun. just another thing they want me to go before surgery. I honestly think they want me to do it to see if i have sleep aphnea( however you spell it) so they can add it to the list of things that i have going on. That way after surgery and i am loosing weight they can see if it helped it. My plan is to do whatever they want me to do to get the best results and get healthy. I cant believe it is so close! I am trying to find a protein powder that i like and they is fairly priced for after surgery! if anyone has any suggestions please tell me! well i am off for now and will let y'all know about the sleep study!!! have a great Saturday night!!!


  1. try naiotnalnutrituion,com not sure if that is right but they sell samples cheep have kim get you some and mail them

  2. EAS has one on sale at costco that is pretty good. The one by bariatric advantage is the best for you and best tasting to me.

  3. thank you girls!!! I appreciate the tips! i will look into both of these!
